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Cannabis Control Division June Newsletter

  • June 21 2022

2022 June Newsletter

Metrc day-end requirement

Reminder: After entering sales in real time, licensees must also remember to finalize those sales in Metrc at the end of each business day.


Packaging and Labeling

The Packaging and Labeling application is now available on the TransAction Portal (TAP).

To be compliant with the new packaging and labeling requirements, all licensees must submit their packaging and labeling applications to be reviewed by the Cannabis Control Division (CCD) by August 1, 2022.

A licensee that fails to submit applications for approval of packaging and labeling by August 1, 2022, shall be subject to disciplinary proceedings.

We strongly encourage licensees to reference the Labeling and Packaging Guide and the TAP Package and Label Submission Guide available on our website.

Learn more about Packaging and Labeling


Responding to deficiency letters


Reminder: deficiencies must be addressed individually on a Statement of Deficiencies Response form. The form is available on the TransAction Portal (TAP).

Documents and photographs are necessary to verify cured deficiencies. When attaching these documents, for clarity, please name or label them, such as “Violations 1”, “Violations 2”, etc.

The completed form with attachments must be submitted through our TransAction Portal’s Submit Requested Documents, available in the Quick Links section of the TransAction Portal.


Re-use of exit packages

Consumers may re-use exit packages at various dispensary locations.

Exit packages must be certified as child-resistant by a federally qualified third-party child resistant packaging test firm.

Additionally, the exit package must be opaque and must contain the warnings, verbatim, as required by 16-12-215, MCA.

Metadata retention requirements

Reminder: all metadata must be removed within 180 days of scanning it, per statute, §16-12-104(12), MCA:

(12) The department may not adopt rules requiring a consumer to provide a licensee with identifying information other than government-issued identification to determine the consumer’s age. A licensee that scans a person’s driver’s license using an electronic reader to determine the person’s age:

a. may only use data or metadata from the scan determine the person’s age

b. may not transfer or sell that data or metadata to another party

c. shall permanently delete any data or metadata from the scan within 180 days, unless otherwise provided for in this chapter or by the department.

Testing requirements

CCD advises providers to only utilize testing and labeling requirements information obtained directly from CCD regulations, education specialists, or inspectors.
