Alcoholic Beverage Control Division

Becky Schlauch
Division Administrator

Steven Swanson,
Operations Officer
The Alcoholic Beverage Control Division provides effective and efficient administration of the Montana alcoholic beverage code with an emphasis on customer service and public safety by applying uniform and fair regulations while ensuring an orderly system for the convenient distribution and responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages.
Outreach and Education
The Outreach and Education Coordinator and Outreach & Education Specialists are responsible for developing, implementing, and administering alcoholic beverage educational efforts and overseeing the Responsible Sales and Service Training Act.
The Outreach and Education Specialists teach about the safe and responsible consumption of alcohol and how to responsibly sell and serve alcoholic beverages to sellers, servers, distributors, and manufacturers of alcoholic beverages and law enforcement.
The Outreach and Education Coordinator works independently from the Division’s Bureaus to provide impartial assistance. The Outreach Coordinator works to help licensees, the public, Montana communities, officials, and anyone else interested in or who wants to get involved in the alcoholic beverage industry. The Outreach and Education Coordinator and Specialists also educate licensees, law enforcement, city and county attorneys, and the general public about the alcoholic beverage code.

Dacia English
Outreach & Education Coordinator
Lisa Clayborn
Outreach & Education Specialist
Kent Haab
Outreach & Education Specialist
Licensing Bureau

Bureau Chief
Liquor Distribution Bureau

Bureau Chief