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Combined-Use Licenses

A combined-use license is a special license created specifically for Montana’s eight federally recognized tribes and/or entities majority owned by one of those tribes. This license consists of both a cultivation license and a dispensary license.

General Information

In addition the requirements listed here, combined-use licensees are subject to the  General Licensee Requirements .

  • There may be a maximum of eight combined-use licenses issued to either a federally recognized tribe located in Montana or a business entity majority owned by a federally recognized tribe located in Montana.
  • Each tribe is allowed only one combined-use license.
  • A combined-use license consists of a  Cultivation License  and one  Dispensary License  allowing for the operation of a dispensary.
  • Combined-use licenses are not subject to the moratorium on other license types. Applications are available now.
  • A cultivator under a combined-use license may increase its licensure level by more than one tier at a time, up to a tier 5 canopy license, without meeting the requirements of 16-12-223 (1)(e)(i)(A) and (1)(e)(i)(B), MCA.

Additional Application Requirements

  • Must meet all General License Application Requirements
  • Applications must be submitted through the TransAction Portal (TAP).
  • All marijuana business applicants must demonstrate they are located within a jurisdiction that allows their business to operate in accordance with 16-12-301, MCA.
  • Applications require a processing fee of 20% of the license fees.
  • Application processing fees are non-refundable regardless of the outcome of the application.