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Cultivator Licenses

Cultivation licenses allow a licensee to cultivate marijuana for either medical or adult use. Licenses are issued according to a tiered canopy system, allowing for increasing amounts of cultivation space.

General Information

In addition the requirements listed here, cultivators are subject to the General Licensee Requirements.

  • Applications for new businesses to cultivate will be available starting 7/1/2025.
  • Cultivators can apply to increase their tier by one tier in conjunction with their regular renewal by demonstrating compliance with 16-12-223 (1)(e), MCA.
  • All new cultivation sites are required to be indoor only.
  • Cultivators may sell the marijuana they cultivate to other businesses or at their own licensed dispensary.
  • All licensed marijuana facilities are subject to inspection by CCD inspectors.
  • Businesses may have multiple license types including Cultivator, Manufacturer, Dispensary, and Transporter. There is no requirement to have multiple license types.
  • Cultivators are allowed to transport their own product between licensed facilities.
  • Cultivators may not sell directly to consumers for either medical or adult use. Sales to consumers may only occur at licensed dispensaries.
  • All employees must have a valid Worker Permit prior to starting work.

Additional Application Requirements

  • Must meet all General License Application Requirements
  • Applications must be submitted through the TransAction Portal (TAP).
  • New cultivations may start only as Micro, Tier 1, or Tier 2. Tier increases are available at the time of annual renewal.
  • All marijuana business applicants must demonstrate they are located within a jurisdiction that allows their business to operate in accordance with 16-12-301, MCA.
  • Applications require a processing fee of 20% of the license fees.
  • Application processing fees are non-refundable regardless of the outcome of the application.

Cultivation Canopy Tiers and Fees

Cultivation Canopy Tiers and Fees
Tier Maximum Square Footage Maximum Indoor Facilities Fees
Micro Tier 250 1 $1,000
Tier 1 1,000 1 $2,500
Tier 2 2,500 2 $5,000
Tier 3 5,000 3 $7,500
Tier 4 7,500 4 $10,000
Tier 5 10,000 5 $13,000
Tier 6 13,000 5 $15,000
Tier 7 15,000 5 $17,500
Tier 8 17,500 5 $20,000
Tier 9 20,000 6 $23,000
Tier 10 30,000 7 $27,000
Tier 11 40,000 8 $32,000
Tier 12 50,000 9 $37,000