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Cannabis Control Division July Newsletter

  • July 07 2023

In this month's newsletter, learn more about the following:

  • Synthetic Marijuana Changes
  • Concentrate Changes: Effective January 1, 2024
  • Marijuana Lab Employee Badges
  • Alternative Nicotine or Vapor Products Licenses
  • Hemp and Marijuana Webpage
  • Marijuana Weighing Devices
  • Metrc Connect
  • Labeling and Packaging of Infused Pre-Rolls
  • Lab Test Batches and Research and Development Testing
  • Seed Labeling
  • Metrc Best Practices

Synthetic Marijuana Changes

With the passage of HB 948, signed by Greg Gianforte on May 22, 2023, local governments and other state agencies now have authority to investigate and enforce illegal synthetic marijuana products in Montana through civil fines.

This new law impacts any person or business that manufactures, processes, or offers a synthetic marijuana product for sale to consumers. For more information, go to the website below:

Concentrate Changes Effective January 1, 2024

House Bill 128 changed the definition of marijuana concentrates intended for smoking and vaping. This change affects single package Delta-9 THC limits for adult consumers.

Effective January 1, 2024, any concentrate intended for smoking or vaping cannot exceed 800 milligrams of THC for adult-use sales. For more information, please see our fact sheet:

Marijuana Lab Employee Badges

Marijuana Testing laboratories are responsible for confirming employees have a badge that states "Testing Lab Eligible" on it. If badges do not have that statement, labs must submit an "Update Worker Information" application for each employee to request this be included.

That update application(s) must be submitted through the TransAction Portal (TAP).

Alternative Nicotine or Vapor Products Licenses

Any dispensary selling alternative nicotine related products must have an Alternative Nicotine or Vapor Products License. These products include E-cigarettes, vapor devices or mods, accessories, and liquid or e-juice. The license has a $20 annual fee.

You can apply for a new license or renew a current license at the eStop Business License Service. You need an alternative nicotine license even if you have a Tobacco Retailer License.

Hemp and Marijuana Webpage

Ever wonder what the difference is between hemp and marijuana?

Read all about it on our Hemp and Marijuana webpage.

Marijuana Weighing Devices

Do you weigh your marijuana and/or marijuana products to be sold, transferred, or for entering into Metrc?

If so, you must use a weighing device pursuant to MCA 30-12-203. For more information about weighing devices check out this document on our website:

Metrc Connect

Do you have issues with your third-party point-of-sales system and Metrc?

Metrc Connect is a new system developed to aid in fixing those issues.

For more information, check out Metrc Connect.

Labeling and Packaging of Infused Pre-Rolls

Infused pre-rolls are considered concentrates/extracts.

When submitting packaging and labeling applications for infused pre-rolls, select "concentrates and extracts".

Also, please confirm that your infused pre-rolls are entered into Metrc as concentrates.

Lab Test Batches and Research and Development Testing

Lab test batches and Research and Development testing is coming soon.

Keep an eye out for a bulletin from Metrc.

Seed Labeling

Are you selling seeds? To stay compliant, seeds will need to be labeled.

Please label your seeds with an approved flower label and omit the potency information (i.e. remove the Total THC%, THC%, THCa%, CBD%, and CBDa%).

Metrc best practices:

  • Audit inventory on site and in Metrc daily, or at minimum, weekly.
  • Remove employee access to Metrc once terminated
  • Add employees under the "employee tab", even if they don't have Metrc access.
  • Make it a point to read ALL Metrc bulletins
  • Run package adjustment reports by either the facility's LP number or by the employee to effectively audit your facility
  • If you make a package incorrectly, don't adjust the package. Instead, discontinue it i.e. discontinue the package, then remake the package.
  • 3 things licensees must do to ensure Metrc system runs smoothly and quickly:
  1. Finish harvests, once created packages, and log waste
  2. Finish packages once empty (you can always unfinish if a mistake was made)
  3. Finalize your sales

Tags: Cannabis Control