Cannabis Control Division January Newsletter
In this month’s newsletter, learn more about the following:
- Metrc – additional training available
- Legislative Session – HB 128
- Know Before You Go
- Building and fire code inspections
Metrc – additional training available
- CCD encourages you to register for free additional training on Metrc’s website.
- To register, please visit ‘Metrc Learn’ located under Training and Info at
Legislative Session – HB 128
- Stay tuned (and watch) as the 2023 Montana Legislature as they consider HB128.
- This clean-up bill is the “one to watch”.
- You can find the streaming of the legislative committees and floor sessions (beginning January 3, 2023) at this link:
Watch the Montana Legislature in session
Know Before You Go
- Refresh your knowledge with this article regarding how you may legally transport personal marijuana while traveling within the state.
- The article can be read on our website under Education Programs at this website:
Know Before You Go article link
Building and fire code inspections
Reminder: a fire and/or building inspection report must show that any non-compliance issues identified on the report have been resolved before the application can move forward in the process.
During renewal, you must submit your most recent building/fire code inspection with the renewal. A new inspection will not be required every year.
More questions?
