Cannabis Control Division March Newsletter
Renewal Application Process
As a reminder:
- Renewal applications must be submitted at least 60 days prior to the expiration date of the license.
- If a renewal application is received less than 60 days prior to license expiration, the department will process the application, but the licensee assumes the risk and responsibility of having to suspend operations until the department processes and approves the renewal application.
- The department will not consider a renewal application received after the license or endorsement expiration date, in which case the license will lapse.
- The department will not amend or extend a licensee’s expiration date unless the licensee can demonstrate that its failure to timely submit a renewal application was due to circumstances beyond its control.

Upcoming Rule Hearing
On March 22, 2022, the department will hold a public hearing for MAR 42-1048pro – pertaining to marijuana and marijuana products packaging and labeling application and approval process.
The comment deadline is April 4, 2022.
Tier-Up Information
Cultivators may jump additional tiers, up to a tier 5, outside of the annual renewal process. The licensing system will be updated soon.
Important Reminders
- All products purchased must be placed into an exit package – in a sealed bag – before the customer leaves your premises.
- Worker permits need to have a name-based or fingerprint-based background check by March 31. If you are unsure of which you need, contact the division.
- Providers, please make sure the product you are buying has been tested in order to adhere to best practices.
- The Video Monitoring system requirements go into effect April 1. Footage will be requested at the time of inspection to verify you are in compliance.