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Who May Legally Sell Marijuana in Montana?

Only licensed individuals and businesses may legally sell marijuana in Montana.

There are no exceptions.

• Only certain individuals/businesses are permitted to sell marijuana in Montana.

• Visit this link for a list of licensed providers.

If the individual/business is not on this list, they are not permitted to legally sell marijuana/marijuana products in Montana.

No. As a cardholder, you have agreed in your application that you will not divert marijuana/marijuana products to others under any circumstances.

Yes. Per statute, MCA 16-12-503(1)(b)(ii): The department shall revoke and may not reissue the registry identification card of an individual who allows another individual to be in possession of the individual’s mature marijuana plants, seedlings, usable marijuana, or marijuana products.

Violations of this statute may also be subject to a fine not to exceed $500 or by imprisonment in a county jail for a term not to exceed 6 months, or both.