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Cannabis Control Division Education Program

The Cannabis Control Division has launched two educational courses that are required to be taken annually:

  • Identifying, Preventing, and Reporting Human Trafficking
  • Rules & Regulations: Legal Sales of Marijuana in Montana

The Department recommends that applicants take these Moodle courses utilizing a computer, laptop, or tablet.

Instructions for Accessing our Education Programs

1  Go to:

2  Select the DOR Cannabis Legal Sales and Trafficking Education button option.

3  Log in to Montana Moodle. If you do not have an Montana Moodle account, please register for an account using your email and a password.

4  Check your email Inbox (including Spam and Junk mail folders) to click the link in the confirmation email, enabling you to access the education courses.

5  After confirming your email or logging in to Montana Moodle, click on Available Courses in the upper right hand corner of the screen; the 2 required courses will appear. Click on each course to complete and then take the quizzes.

6  Participants who are applying to obtain a marijuana worker permit must take the courses and the 2 quizzes, with a minimum passing score of 80%.
*There is no limit to the number of attempts by the participant to pass the quizzes and obtain the certificates.

7  Upon receiving a passing grade for the quiz, you will be able to generate and download your certificates. A section will appear that says, “Click Here for Your Certificate of Completion.” Once you click on that link, a certificate will appear to be downloaded. This certificate will also be sent to your email as an attachment.

8  Participants should save their certificates in a format that they can readily access (computer, phone picture, etc.).

9  Both education certificates are required to be uploaded in the new/renewal worker permit application for TAP. This requirement will be listed in the attachments section as Education Certificates.

10  Provide your current certificates to your employer and maintain a copy for your personal records. 


If you have questions pertaining to the courses or accessing Moodle, please contact a Cannabis Education Specialist:

Phone      (406) 444-0596


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